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Finally, Last, Lastly, and In the End: A Guide to Their Meanings and Usages


"Finally" means after a period of time or some difficulty. It is often used at the beginning of a sentence to indicate that something has happened after a long wait or effort.


* I'm finally finished with my homework. * After a long day of hiking, we finally reached the summit. * I've been trying to get this job for months, and I finally got it!


"Last" means the final or most recent in a series or group. It can be used as an adjective or a noun.


* The last day of school is always bittersweet. * The last time I saw my grandparents was Christmas. * I put the last piece of the puzzle in place.


"Lastly" is a synonym for "finally." It is often used in more formal writing.


* Lastly, I would like to thank my parents for their support. * Lastly, it should be noted that this is just one perspective on the issue. * Lastly, I would like to remind you to vote on Election Day.

In the End

"In the end" means ultimately or eventually. It is often used to refer to the outcome or result of a situation.


* In the end, it doesn't matter what you have, but who you have. * In the end, we all have to face our own mortality. * In the end, love will conquer all. While all four of these words have similar meanings, they are used in different ways. "Finally" and "last" are used to refer to the end of a period of time or a series of events. "Lastly" is a synonym for "finally" that is often used in more formal writing. "In the end" is used to refer to the ultimate or eventual outcome of a situation.
